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Process Local File
Process URL
Track Local File
Upload and Process a File with XRay
Welcome, guest
File to upload and process:
Results format:
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) page
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Comma Separated Values (CSV)
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
Zoomable Bubble Graph
Zoomable Treemap
Display image file thumbnails:
Full size
16 x 16
32 x 32
64 x 64
128 x 128
256 x 256
Use specified size
Thumbnail width:
Thumbnail height:
Search string:
Visible Columns
Compressed/uncompressed file size
Compressed/uncompressed ratio
File attributes
File date/time
Unidentified streams
File details
Security-sensitive details
Email Addresses
IPv4 addresses
Phone numbers
Credit card numbers
Bitcoin addresses
Malform details
Image BlockHash
Image PDQ Hash
Trend Micro Locality Sensitive Hash (TLSH)
Extract absolute URLs
Extract relative URLs
Extract email addresses
Extract IPv4 addresses
Extract phone numbers
Extract credit card numbers
Extract Bitcoin addresses
Extract Microsoft OLE2 (.doc) documents as text
Extract PDF documents as text
Extract base64 sequences from text and EXE files
Extract hex-encoded sequences from text files
Redact MIME headers
Redact MIME bodies
Redact MIME attachments
Measure image focus
Output OLE2 DecryptedPackage stream parallel to EncryptedPackage stream
Extract GDPR-compliant metadata only
Extract resource objects from Windows executables
Show download links
(when enabled, be careful not to execute malicious files via the links in the Name column)
Scan all extracted files with ClamAV
Process with scoprd
Extract hex-encoded patterns
(for forensic analysis, not general use)
Process extracted URLs
Always process the last extracted URL
Process extracted URLs interlaced
Process extracted URLs in reverse order
Render URLs in landscape mode
Maximum number of URLs to process
Per object:
Per object chain:
Number of URLs to render as JPG:
Number of URLs to render as PDF:
Automatic Decryption
Show auto-decrypt keys used
Auto-decrypt encrypted files with:
Attempt one key
Attempt all keys in my key database
Key character set:
Barcode Recognition
Enable Dynamsoft barcode scanner
Enable ZBar barcode scanner
Enable ASCII art barcode detection
Enable photo-negative barcode scan
Enable black/white thresholds
Enable 2x zoom barcode scan
Extract pre-processed binarized image
BMP images
GIF images
ICO images
JBIG2 images
JPEG images
JPEG2000 images
PCX images
PNG images
SVG images
TGA images
TIFF images
WEBP images
Minimum image frame width:
Minimum image frame height:
Minimum bounding box width:
Minimum bounding box height:
Maximum image frame width:
Maximum image frame height:
Maximum bounding box width:
Maximum bounding box height:
Maximum detection/extraction depth:
Maximum black pixel threshold:
Minimum white pixel threshold:
GS1 DataBar Expanded
QR Code
Code 128
SQ Code
Code 39
Code 93
GS1 DataBar
PDF 417
Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
Enable Tesseract image-to-text extraction
Extract pre-processed binarized image
BMP images
JBIG2 images
PCX images
TGA images
GIF images
JPEG images
PNG images
TIFF images
ICO images
JPEG2000 images
SVG images
WEBP images
Maximum frames per image:
Minimum width:
Minimum height:
Maximum width:
Maximum height:
Maximum OCR depth:
Maximum images per depth:
Timeout per image (milliseconds):
Maximum black pixel threshold:
Minimum white pixel threshold:
Perceptual Image Hash Computation
Enable BlockHash computation for images
Enable PDQ hash computation for images
BMP images
JBIG2 images
PCX images
TGA images
GIF images
JPEG images
PNG images
TIFF images
ICO images
JPEG2000 images
SVG images
WEBP images
Maximum image depth to hash:
Minimum image width to hash:
Minimum image height to hash:
Maximum image width to hash:
Maximum image height to hash: