* | Depth | Type | Name | Size | Compressed | Attributes | Date | Time (UTC) | Total Size | Total Items | CRC-32 | MD5 | SHA-1 | Details | Thumbnail |
0 | ZIP | http://www.scopr.com/test/Demo.zip | 6,473 | 6,473 | ---------- | 01.01.1970 | 01:00:00 | 12,841 | 60 | 7bdf40a5 | 99f3626d8ef67d99f52e57214c47b8c2 | 3e56746ba6c0c4efc8c88fb52bf2e67bb4774088 | crc32=0x00000000;ncd=ZIP;nce=zip; | ||
1 | <DIR> | bin/ | 0 | 0 | D---- | 01.10.2006 | 15:41:24 | 0 | 0 | 00000000 | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 | compressionmethodid=0;compressionmethod=store; | ||
1 | <DIR> | bin/debug/ | 0 | 0 | D---- | 01.10.2006 | 15:43:13 | 0 | 0 | 00000000 | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 | compressionmethodid=0;compressionmethod=store; | ||
1 | <DIR> | bin/release/ | 0 | 0 | D---- | 01.10.2006 | 15:43:15 | 0 | 0 | 00000000 | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 | compressionmethodid=0;compressionmethod=store; | ||
1 | <DIR> | Calc/ | 0 | 0 | D---- | 01.10.2006 | 15:43:18 | 0 | 0 | 00000000 | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 | compressionmethodid=0;compressionmethod=store; | ||
1 | JS | Calc/Calc.cpp | 326 | 187 | -A--- | 01.10.2006 | 15:43:06 | 48 | 3 | 22faefe1 | 7d5b8e840dd48ec4a5d89e8dfeda30f9 | 8d54a4a8352258485b37d738c95eb429d837c9c2 | WrongExtension;compressionmethodid=8;compressionmethod=deflate;eval=0;maxlinelen=42;lines=20;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS;nce=zip,cpp; | ||
2 | TXT | Calc/Calc.cpp@108 | 25 | 25 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:43:06 | 0 | 0 | 78a6c949 | 6099711a7bf75f2dd9534c7393925a5e | a836d258952e5ecdd33c7a9e5c8086174e42fb86 | characterencoding=7-bit US-ASCII;ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS,TXT;nce=zip,cpp,cpp@108; | ||
2 | JS | Calc/Calc.cpp@136 | 21 | 21 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:43:06 | 0 | 0 | de9b1cf7 | a25a0d474f621acbcc701feacf09170a | 261cac404afed486cb7ba91ce2cce18e66d7892c | WrongExtension;eval=0;maxlinelen=16;lines=3;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=2;ncd=ZIP,JS,JS;nce=zip,cpp,cpp@136; | ||
2 | TXT | Calc/Calc.cpp@324 | 2 | 2 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:43:06 | 0 | 0 | acb39330 | dcb9be2f604e5df91deb9659bed4748d | 11f4de6b8b45cf8051b1d17fa4cde9ad935cea41 | characterencoding=7-bit US-ASCII;ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS,TXT;nce=zip,cpp,cpp@324; | ||
1 | XML | Calc/Calc.vcproj | 3,404 | 1,009 | -A--- | 01.10.2006 | 15:42:06 | 0 | 0 | 67588918 | bc48a034d96b59b5ac269c63fbf706f0 | c3cf26691b09ce3c98fae04b27c83a2c27a41a11 | WrongExtension;compressionmethodid=8;compressionmethod=deflate;ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,XML;nce=zip,vcproj; | ||
1 | TXT | Calc/stdafx.cpp | 293 | 189 | -A--- | 09.23.2005 | 14:21:06 | 6 | 1 | 7cbae0bc | 2fc19d2d02f87c042ede77d84fbeaca0 | acf138cd42cfc423e7bec9e22b34c5b10be2e75c | compressionmethodid=8;compressionmethod=deflate;characterencoding=7-bit US-ASCII;ncd=ZIP,TXT;nce=zip,cpp; | ||
1 | TXT | Calc/stdafx.h | 274 | 177 | -A--- | 09.27.2005 | 22:48:27 | 0 | 0 | c6feffb1 | 9789cf3ba074ce0d83c61dcca9b6f372 | 2e55f0898e08b056e74b9f103c562fe7be6a4a93 | compressionmethodid=8;compressionmethod=deflate;characterencoding=7-bit US-ASCII;ncd=ZIP,TXT;nce=zip,h; | ||
1 | <DIR> | DllTest/ | 0 | 0 | D---- | 01.10.2006 | 15:43:21 | 0 | 0 | 00000000 | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 | compressionmethodid=0;compressionmethod=store; | ||
1 | JS | DllTest/CalculatorImpl.cpp | 490 | 227 | -A--- | 09.28.2005 | 09:11:20 | 20 | 2 | addc1115 | b34469e0c18b97176e106c44233a6d94 | 7973aaef775c09e9dd2760a3996575918f0f8986 | WrongExtension;compressionmethodid=8;compressionmethod=deflate;eval=0;maxlinelen=77;lines=24;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS;nce=zip,cpp; | ||
2 | JS | DllTest/CalculatorImpl.cpp@150 | 18 | 18 | ----- | 09.28.2005 | 09:11:20 | 0 | 0 | 0ac7e94d | 76e0012b8b59df43c9cdccde21e3da53 | 804f9f1d663b917a2b2ff60d2889f2c549a4aeb7 | WrongExtension;eval=0;maxlinelen=14;lines=3;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=2;ncd=ZIP,JS,JS;nce=zip,cpp,cpp@150; | ||
2 | TXT | DllTest/CalculatorImpl.cpp@488 | 2 | 2 | ----- | 09.28.2005 | 09:11:20 | 0 | 0 | acb39330 | dcb9be2f604e5df91deb9659bed4748d | 11f4de6b8b45cf8051b1d17fa4cde9ad935cea41 | characterencoding=7-bit US-ASCII;ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS,TXT;nce=zip,cpp,cpp@488; | ||
1 | JS | DllTest/CalculatorImpl.h | 711 | 309 | -A--- | 01.10.2006 | 15:17:00 | 210 | 10 | 3ac6b532 | 2fc18335e218355b0eb2c85c413df410 | 52c926ee95aa9e02bc873933ac16fea305be0ea9 | WrongExtension;compressionmethodid=8;compressionmethod=deflate;eval=0;maxlinelen=60;lines=27;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS;nce=zip,h; | ||
2 | BASE64 | DllTest/CalculatorImpl.h@1 | 21 | 21 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:17:00 | 0 | 0 | d08a688b | 7bae78088f92eaad78911b09a3eec8ae | b719185ecd7e1204623ed05322cf113c18807459 | ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS,BASE64;nce=zip,h,h@1; | ||
2 | BASE64 | DllTest/CalculatorImpl.h@27 | 21 | 21 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:17:00 | 0 | 0 | b1bad994 | 4d7d2fef1cbb21ec2a2d1ad1a55f4db2 | ef9ed777d39cf4eeca06b15d4fd5174431fc23f3 | ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS,BASE64;nce=zip,h,h@27; | ||
2 | BASE64 | DllTest/CalculatorImpl.h@125 | 25 | 25 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:17:00 | 0 | 0 | e0c491b2 | 84d944eb57aa3073bfc6848a2f071340 | 3f1b9749868109ee209f799285ed0c9c53a8d09e | ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS,BASE64;nce=zip,h,h@125; | ||
2 | JS | DllTest/CalculatorImpl.h@152 | 18 | 18 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:17:00 | 0 | 0 | 2b6bfc16 | 3e8e4a92abd37a099030b9a6c5254d41 | ba6bc7e149762eb5bb4a0e86d9f591bc93d54129 | WrongExtension;eval=0;maxlinelen=18;lines=1;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=2;ncd=ZIP,JS,JS;nce=zip,h,h@152; | ||
2 | BASE64 | DllTest/CalculatorImpl.h@191 | 17 | 17 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:17:00 | 0 | 0 | 4a8a82bd | c166eadc6b2fe73247ff93609217f2b3 | a3229114f1641b4609cbf86c79d1e9ef93bf8d97 | ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS,BASE64;nce=zip,h,h@191; | ||
2 | JS | DllTest/CalculatorImpl.h@248 | 19 | 19 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:17:00 | 0 | 0 | d4d7f3a6 | 552ef8efd377c9d46e07ca17cb531375 | f07e883538ea8f015f8475dc1eb100329851b6ff | WrongExtension;eval=0;maxlinelen=15;lines=3;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=2;ncd=ZIP,JS,JS;nce=zip,h,h@248; | ||
2 | JS | DllTest/CalculatorImpl.h@324 | 21 | 21 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:17:00 | 0 | 0 | df00a565 | c6f8b4afda905f1cc562df351d129662 | 29835983dfcf5a88826a2242728ecb75fe2b8dbb | WrongExtension;eval=0;maxlinelen=21;lines=1;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=2;ncd=ZIP,JS,JS;nce=zip,h,h@324; | ||
2 | JS | DllTest/CalculatorImpl.h@544 | 22 | 22 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:17:00 | 0 | 0 | d46b5a37 | fbdf8d3172e5b7911094ee88283d1ddb | 34f18ca41ea7c7633da1e568202cc1260bc336e4 | WrongExtension;eval=0;maxlinelen=22;lines=1;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=2;ncd=ZIP,JS,JS;nce=zip,h,h@544; | ||
2 | JS | DllTest/CalculatorImpl.h@588 | 23 | 23 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:17:00 | 0 | 0 | bb490592 | 8cc9a5be9bbbc99155cc481464a9fc56 | 92733d15cd602f0a44e10ffb0341ab38c735b2da | WrongExtension;eval=0;maxlinelen=21;lines=2;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=2;ncd=ZIP,JS,JS;nce=zip,h,h@588; | ||
2 | BASE64 | DllTest/CalculatorImpl.h@684 | 23 | 23 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:17:00 | 0 | 0 | 06e81c37 | 2109eff122dbf50f3ea7df3c5051a07a | de1c9f5c2594486327a55ee4782e768fc39e66d0 | ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS,BASE64;nce=zip,h,h@684; | ||
1 | TXT | DllTest/DllTest.cpp | 154 | 104 | -A--- | 01.10.2006 | 15:15:16 | 27 | 3 | aa378c64 | d586488e1e820515258e954ac5f08f2c | 0fa58d83360de32d730d394c87ffcf9c164c915c | compressionmethodid=8;compressionmethod=deflate;characterencoding=7-bit US-ASCII;ncd=ZIP,TXT;nce=zip,cpp; | ||
1 | JS | DllTest/DllTest.h | 598 | 269 | -A--- | 01.10.2006 | 15:30:20 | 199 | 9 | 565fc620 | 6963c41ef068394efc08fa08702ccf80 | f7188614eecc931192d2283bb19445b2413f62ca | WrongExtension;compressionmethodid=8;compressionmethod=deflate;eval=0;maxlinelen=48;lines=27;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS;nce=zip,h; | ||
2 | JS | DllTest/DllTest.h@212 | 25 | 25 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:30:20 | 0 | 0 | ab0bb4f1 | 1454b991f1ce90b1fca4d49069ca78d3 | a153979face8bedd80c223c0fb11fbb1f27e3f9b | WrongExtension;eval=0;maxlinelen=23;lines=2;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=2;ncd=ZIP,JS,JS;nce=zip,h,h@212; | ||
2 | JS | DllTest/DllTest.h@253 | 23 | 23 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:30:20 | 0 | 0 | 10741069 | c7320b305cc85b84e8051d8670b5b539 | 5eb3955935670b2206a43e80e33cd2ebcd88c3c7 | WrongExtension;eval=0;maxlinelen=21;lines=2;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=2;ncd=ZIP,JS,JS;nce=zip,h,h@253; | ||
2 | JS | DllTest/DllTest.h@289 | 18 | 18 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:30:20 | 0 | 0 | c8f93f73 | 93495f515cd59bc4d0483a017579c956 | 3d18a47e6051db5e686304a5a92febbb7c1365e8 | WrongExtension;eval=0;maxlinelen=16;lines=2;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=2;ncd=ZIP,JS,JS;nce=zip,h,h@289; | ||
2 | JS | DllTest/DllTest.h@332 | 24 | 24 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:30:20 | 0 | 0 | 3a5f7c17 | 33f1367ff98d821e2fa9e55ac832a636 | 704fc10cecd6824788a171196b763d969419ebf6 | WrongExtension;eval=0;maxlinelen=22;lines=2;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=2;ncd=ZIP,JS,JS;nce=zip,h,h@332; | ||
2 | JS | DllTest/DllTest.h@381 | 23 | 23 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:30:20 | 0 | 0 | ed67eb51 | dbf04a78722b6f534f7bbbd2298420fd | 17a440744986ee923137d9c1ce7404e9841b300a | WrongExtension;eval=0;maxlinelen=21;lines=2;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=2;ncd=ZIP,JS,JS;nce=zip,h,h@381; | ||
2 | JS | DllTest/DllTest.h@429 | 22 | 22 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:30:20 | 0 | 0 | 182b4266 | 678afc6be410a61b3013f59ff7cbaf53 | 951c6f34b7e722b49a0d6f52a2e91b5cee5e7d50 | WrongExtension;eval=0;maxlinelen=20;lines=2;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=2;ncd=ZIP,JS,JS;nce=zip,h,h@429; | ||
2 | JS | DllTest/DllTest.h@464 | 23 | 23 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:30:20 | 0 | 0 | bb490592 | 8cc9a5be9bbbc99155cc481464a9fc56 | 92733d15cd602f0a44e10ffb0341ab38c735b2da | WrongExtension;eval=0;maxlinelen=21;lines=2;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=2;ncd=ZIP,JS,JS;nce=zip,h,h@464; | ||
2 | BASE64 | DllTest/DllTest.h@545 | 25 | 25 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:30:20 | 0 | 0 | 39fc91aa | e266df5ea5a3e44e2371d6773bfc5d9e | 9491807d9a631416848ee69328af02193622c488 | ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS,BASE64;nce=zip,h,h@545; | ||
2 | TXT | DllTest/DllTest.h@595 | 16 | 16 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:30:20 | 0 | 0 | 07c8ab4f | a46a8fd0154ad2fe792ee8a9798e3e0a | 34f27cb5f6ec2c31446fe3c8819336623553d9b2 | characterencoding=7-bit US-ASCII;ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS,TXT;nce=zip,h,h@595; | ||
1 | XML | DllTest/DllTest.vcproj | 3,371 | 1,008 | -A--- | 01.10.2006 | 15:41:23 | 0 | 0 | ec939d02 | c1ce4ff6098b66b529d3b70c848fc5a1 | 67279d4e14d46e18ac812c58c900f1825450f42b | WrongExtension;compressionmethodid=8;compressionmethod=deflate;ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,XML;nce=zip,vcproj; | ||
1 | TXT | DllTest/stdafx.cpp | 294 | 189 | -A--- | 09.23.2005 | 16:51:13 | 6 | 1 | c504af19 | 8e9b0c415e0b01c8cf2490381871f297 | 3da5a68a3fa61c2a5d38de8ff071bc2193d77117 | compressionmethodid=8;compressionmethod=deflate;characterencoding=7-bit US-ASCII;ncd=ZIP,TXT;nce=zip,cpp; | ||
1 | TXT | DllTest/stdafx.h | 286 | 196 | -A--- | 09.27.2005 | 14:20:28 | 0 | 0 | 782badf4 | 47156e137fd1552191899f21af893603 | 768a5ce22d8199e61ddc6b2f8b833a21ee2a666a | compressionmethodid=8;compressionmethod=deflate;characterencoding=7-bit US-ASCII;ncd=ZIP,TXT;nce=zip,h; | ||
1 | JS | DllTest/Unknown.h | 497 | 277 | -A--- | 01.10.2006 | 15:10:01 | 113 | 5 | 8a147409 | 995c6ab96105d1984be386d0142db0e2 | 41b5ff3869582cd964063c1e7df1a590eeccd057 | WrongExtension;compressionmethodid=8;compressionmethod=deflate;eval=0;maxlinelen=45;lines=35;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS;nce=zip,h; | ||
2 | BASE64 | DllTest/Unknown.h@35 | 20 | 20 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:10:01 | 0 | 0 | 85413e81 | 037107b6c9da9d51da483e5b961b2a9e | ee7ee84089ca649007af088a592afefaeb28ef86 | ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS,BASE64;nce=zip,h,h@35; | ||
2 | BASE64 | DllTest/Unknown.h@169 | 24 | 24 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:10:01 | 0 | 0 | b0ff1d82 | e4624b76d9823882cb62cfad28b58cdf | 9c3927e509cafeb28a6fe2b65f1c62aaa64521da | ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS,BASE64;nce=zip,h,h@169; | ||
2 | BASE64 | DllTest/Unknown.h@245 | 20 | 20 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:10:01 | 0 | 0 | 738c280f | d17dcfaf392ef7dc38b93ac6191da2b3 | e01d8bb76b24f3eb7063544e97befa8cb8d66f46 | ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS,BASE64;nce=zip,h,h@245; | ||
2 | JS | DllTest/Unknown.h@414 | 33 | 33 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:10:01 | 0 | 0 | fcb3dd78 | 9e40c1627ee8cd225d837564998ae19a | 75508335f5bd6da10d9dce304fc14b053e5890cb | WrongExtension;eval=0;maxlinelen=31;lines=2;hexchars=0;hexvalues=0;ncdncemismatch=2;ncd=ZIP,JS,JS;nce=zip,h,h@414; | ||
2 | TXT | DllTest/Unknown.h@494 | 16 | 16 | ----- | 01.10.2006 | 15:10:01 | 0 | 0 | 07c8ab4f | a46a8fd0154ad2fe792ee8a9798e3e0a | 34f27cb5f6ec2c31446fe3c8819336623553d9b2 | characterencoding=7-bit US-ASCII;ncdncemismatch=1;ncd=ZIP,JS,TXT;nce=zip,h,h@494; | ||
1 | TXT | Calc.sln | 1,492 | 416 | -A--- | 01.10.2006 | 15:41:06 | 22 | 8 | bcc0d342 | 10330ab9de702bf2286d8b30bed9509b | adf1dd0a2c96681d31e604498d45c1f1f8e29e8a | compressionmethodid=8;compressionmethod=deflate;characterencoding=7-bit US-ASCII;ncd=ZIP,TXT;nce=zip,sln; | ||
Totals | 19,253 | 11,620 |
* | Infected |
Executable |
Archive/Container |
Suspicious |
Encrypted |
Text |
Powered by Scopr XRay
XRay version | 6.0.702.0 |
Processed by user | guest |
Start time | Sat Dec 7 20:56:27 2024 UTC |
End time | Sat Dec 7 20:56:27 2024 UTC |
Elapsed time | 00:00:00.190 |
Bytes extracted | 19253 |
Processing speed | 98.79 KB/s |
Server default configuration | |
Maximum extraction depth | 5 |
Maximum extracted file size (bytes) | 50000000 |
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Maximum processing time (seconds) | 10 |
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OCR minimum white pixel threshold (0-255) | 255 |
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Maximum barcode bounding box height | 0x00000000 |
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Minimum barcode white pixel threshold (0-255) | 255 |
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Enable photo-negative barcode scan | No |
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Min hash image height | 0 |
Engines used
7Z | ACE | ActiveMime | ALZip | APPLEDOUBLE | AR | ARJ | BCRYPT | BIFF | BZIP |
ZOO | ZPAQ | ZST | RTF | Text | BASE64 | HQX | HTML | IHEX | IQY |
JavaScript | MIME | Perl | PHP | Python | UUE | VBE | VBScript | WARC | XML |